Friday 19 August 2011

Bell Rates... Mountain Dew & Gin

type: mixed drink

25ml Gin (Gordon's, 37.5% ABV)
Mountain Dew (79mg Caffeine)

Mountain Dew, by itself, has a greeny-yellow colour, and just a slight lemon & lime smell. Taste-wise it's fairly standard, with little impact on the tastebuds, and little aftertaste. not overly sweet, but drinkable, and provides the caffeine boost that can fuel havoc quite effectively.

Mixed with Gin, and it actually improves. The edge is removed from the Gin, and the whole thing becomes a more sophisticated way to get the energy of a Jägerbomb or Vodka & Red Bull, but you can take your time.

A good friend of mine swears by Gin as a way to clear the head somewhat after at the three-quarters stage of a night out, and he's got a point; Gin provides some of the effects of sobriety, but none of the downsides. 1

Smell: light, fresh citrus, but not much of it. 2/4
Colour: greeny-yellow. clean looking, not too obvious 2/4
Taste: clean, fresh taste. very easy to drink. a little bit of sharpness, alcohol of the Gin only evident in the aftertaste. 3/4

overall: an energy-restoring Lemonade & Gin alternative, that won't make you go insane and climb on top of bus shelters2. 9/12

1. not actual sobriety, but you can probably walk a bit straighter, and while it won't actually stop you talking pish, you'll now realise you're talking pish, and may react appropriately to this revelation by yourself.
2. hopefully.

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